Saturday, December 26, 2009
Phurrrrrrr :-D
Saturday, December 12, 2009
American Beauty: A Real Beauty...

Ricky Fitts: I was filming this dead bird.
Angela Hayes: Why?
Ricky Fitts: Because it's beautiful.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Paa :-)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Of Sad Post: Part 1
I miss blogging so much! I know that I write crap but even posting a picture that I like makes me feel nice but of late! since office started, I don't get time to blog but I do make it a point to read all my favourite blogs (in no particular order) - Shobhaa De, Vir sanghvi, Sushmita Bose, Poonam Saxena, and the people I know- Yamini and Priyanka, both private blogs, having the privilege to read a private blog makes me feel wanted :-)!
Anyway, I hadn't written a personal post for a long time, I mean I haven't written a sad post in a way :
So this is my another sad post..I don't know whenever I am sad, I keep thinking that I will put it on my blog, cribbing and venting out my sadness to my blog friend, who listens to my every thought and gives me space to be myself..
Sometimes, these days I feel such sudden and terrible phases of loneliness and I don't know the reason why.. I am an introvert by nature and don't open up to people easily but of late, I have started to feel as a misfit in society.. I don't know why? Whenever I talk to people it feels that I am wearing a mask and not showing my true self.. it's not that I hate people completely, I love talking to people about news, politics, books, movies, yeah yeah FRIENDS and Grey's Anatomy too ..someone who could tell me about philosophy, psychology, life, poetry,and so many more things.. but I don't know why.. but somehow people all around me talk about things which I don't really understand... The other day, my cousin who has come from Amsterdam came to dinner..she is one of my idols but you know, I had nothing to say to her and everyone else was asking her so many things! Again, it made me wonder whether I will ever be happy in life..whether I could really adjust in life..I am a 22 year old man ( as newspapers say a 22 year old man, not a 22 year old boy) and I still don't know so many things in life.. people 5-6 years younger than me would be better.. My cousin Deepansha can kick any body's ass! and I don't even know how to talk!
I always thought that when I will grow up, some things will come automatically but I am just getting older but not getting wiser ( like Auro of Paa, which releases this sat, I will go for sure..Kurbaan bhi nahi dekhi maine) .. but it is not going as I thought it would.. I cannot change myself is so difficult to change yourself, to go against your grain to be what you are not! I had always wanted to be like one of my acquaintances UI who doesn't even know that I think so highly of him.. smart, intelligent, principled, agnostic, well read.. these were the qualities which i wanted to be but all I could become was a pseudo intellectual - a person who just fakes his sense of knowledge..
And talking of people, in office where I sit, the people who sit opposite to me- Rahul and Hiteshi they share such a good camaraderie and are good friends..they keep on talking and having nice chitchats ( both from the same college).. when I see them, it makes even more sad because I am quite reserved and want to have friends like them.. but then I avoid people...I know nothing of this makes sense at all..but I really wanted to write my thougts today as I had a really depressing day...but I will continue these random thoughts in my next post..waiting for the sequel!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Narcissist Me!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Jo Barse Sapne Boond Boond...
I have been listening to the song Iktara from Wake Up Sid! and it has become one of my most loved songs ever.. It is such a beautiful composition and the male version is even better.. the song has been composed by Amit Trivedi where as the rest of the songs in the film have been composed by Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy and it has amazing lyrics by Javed Akhtar. Amit Trivedi also composed the music for DevD which also had some mindblowing compositions like emotional atyaachar, payaliya, yeh duniya... when Kavita Seth sings the lines jo barse sapne boond boond naino ko moond moond, it makes me feel as if I am standing near the sea and there are rain drops falling on my eyelids *absolute bliss* and in the male version sung by Tochi ( of Pardesi DevD fame) the lines are jo naina karoon band band, beh jaye boond boond meaning as if tears are waiting to fall as soon as close my eyes by the immense happiness or sadness that has bottled up in ourseleves.. so true of our lives where we do not have the time for is songs like these that make me sit all by myself and think about life and its complexities ( like when Himesh Reshammiya says in Radio on being asked 'What's your relationship status? It's complicated!') ... posting the lyrics for myself, if anyone has lyrics of male version I would be glad to put them here as well :-)
Orey manva tu to bavra hai
Tu hi jaane tu kya sochta hai
Tu hi jaane tu kya sochta hai bavre
Kyun dikhaye sapne tu sote jaagte
Jo barse sapne boond boond
Nainon ko moond moond
Nainon ko moond moond
Jo barse sapne boond boond
Nainon ko moond moond
Kaise main chaloon, dekh na sakoon
Anjaane raastein
Gunjasa hai koi iktara iktara, gunjasa hai koi iktara
Gunjasa hai koi iktara iktara, gunjasa hai koi iktara
Dheeme bole koi iktara iktara, dheeme bole koi iktara
Gunjasa hai koi iktara iktara, gunjasa hai koi iktara
Sun rahi hoon sudh budh khoke koi main kahani
Poori kahani hai kya kise hai pata
Main to kisiki hoke yeh bhi na jaani
Ruth hai ye do pal ki ya rehgi sada, kise hai pata… kise hai pata
Jo barse sapne boond boond
Nainon ko moond moond
Nainon ko moond moond
Jo barse sapne boond boond
Nainon ko moond moond
Kaise main chaloon, dekh na sakoon
Anjaane raastein
Gunjasa hai koi iktara iktara, gunjasa hai koi iktara
Gunjasa hai koi iktara iktara, gunjasa hai koi iktara
Dheeme bole koi iktara iktara, dheeme bole koi iktara
Gunjasa hai koi iktara iktara, gunjasa hai koi iktara
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Rat Chase..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Waiting for a good film...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
First *Salary*
Got my first salary :-)
It seems a bit weird that I have got my first salary.. your first salary is always special, in fact, your 'first' anything is always worth remembrance..your first day in school, the first day in college, first day at job, first car, first bike and first salary.. since it is only 10 days that I joined, I have only got 10 day salary which is a bit less than the full month salary, but to be true full month salary is also not that much :( but its fine by is the first job and I am grateful that they are paying a dumb ass like me..
So, what are my plans for it?
I will gift something to mummy..probably a ring or something like that
Some part of it to god
Some to sister and papa
thora sa mere liye..but I don't know what to but for myself? The only things I love are books and movies, which I already have.. maybe after 2-3 months I could get an i-pod..don't like spending money on clothes, shoes, whatever because nothing looks good on me vaise bhi :) then why waste money!
It still seems a bit surreal that I have started earning..become an adult :-( nooo, I don't want to become an adult so sooon.. I still want to be the child that asked for money from mummy for a movie and got scolding to stop wasting money on watching movies, want to remain the same person who used to save money to buy Harry Potter for 1000 bucks..and now I have money and still I am craving for the past..I have always been like this.. the perennial crib who thinks that grass is always greener on the other side..
But I still have big guilt in my heart about some issue..please I hope I am able to overcome it quickly :-(
Anyway will write more posts today but small ones :-)
Bye blog!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Life's like that only...
I am a slightly reserved person and it find it very difficult to change myself..but its ok..and about the work, now there is a little less workload but sometimes I fear whether I would be able to do the work up to the expectations or not :(
But the only grouse I have is that I am not getting time for myself ..I am not able to read the book that I had stared..I can’t watch movies because I am so tired after coming that my eyes just doze off as soon as I hit the bed…I just hope that I get used to life as as soon as possible because the fact is sooner or later we have to work for life anyways..whether it happens now or 5 years later is just a matter of time.. Now I realize that life ain’t easy dear difficult it is to earn a penny.. Even to wake up in the morning is a battle..I keep counting how many days left to go in the week..
4 :(
2 :/
Now waiting for my first salary :-)))))))) bye for now…hope I am able to update at the same pace…
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Think it Over...
This meeting, this life, seems just another round,
One of thousands,
One of one, endless current,
In which new love is recognition,
Nothing more than a new shape,
For two pieces of an ancient heart,
And I will love you again,
And toss my soul to the sea until it breaks upon the tide,
As it will, as it must, to take shape again,
A limpet soul that clings to you
For I would make this round a thousand times
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Picture is worth a 1000 Words :-)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
On Religion...
A New Phase..
Scared, really scared... start my job from Monday (hopefully) if everyhting goes fine and no more delays..
am really really nervous..
a new phase starts..
i hope i become a better person than i am now :(
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What I want from life...
In the opening pages of Nobel Laureate JM Coetzee’s new book, Summertime, two old school mates meet by chance. One of them — the one who tried to understand things as a child — is now a writer and a poet; he lives with his father in an old, damp cottage. The other — the one who was a duffer seeking to get ahead in the world — is now a marketing man (“marketer or marketeer”, Coetzee writes with an admixture of contempt and bewilderment); he is affluent, cocksure, and lives across the road in a huge house and drives a BMW.
What does that suggest about the world, Coetzee asks. And then goes on to give his answer. No, this is not me ranting.
This is the Nobel Prize winner for literature, so his thoughts ought to have rather more heft and clout than mine.
And this is what he has to say: “... Understanding things is a waste of time; that if you want to succeed in the world and have a happy family and a nice home and a BMW you should not try to understand things but just add up the numbers or press the buttons or do whatever else it is that marketers are so richly rewarded for doing.”
Think about it. You might not want to, on a Sunday morning, but then, given that we do so much through the week, we should set aside some time to think on Sundays.I indulge in the sort of etiolated, inconclusive, disjointed meanderings of the mind that pass for thinking in my case. But you are not me, are you? Who knows, you could even be — like the man Coetzee writes about, and like some of my friends — someone who is richly rewarded for adding up the numbers and pressing the buttons.
So think about what you might want for your child. Would you want her to understand things as she grows up? Or would you rather she got ahead and pursued the path to what Coetzee calls “material success”?I am as always confused.
I think (I think, I don’t know) I would want for her:
1. To know about things. (Is that understanding? Well, no. But it could be Step 1 towards it.)
2. To be interested in the arts, literature, sport, culture.
3. To be passionate about some of the above things.
4. To be not overly passionate about money, and the accoutrements of material success. To not be competitive in the least about those things. To value money, but not crave it, more and more of it.
5. To enjoy and love whatever it is that she ends up doing.
6. However she turns out to be, to not worry too much about however she has turned out to be. To be happy. Above all, to be happy.
Now what if pushing the right buttons makes her happy? What then? I told you, didn’t I, that I am not much good at thinking? How about you?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
For the past few days, a lot of co-incidental events have been happening. So here is what happened.
I had this book The Ground beneath her feet by Salman Rushdie, my favourite author :-). I was gifted this book by Y on my last birthday. I didn't read it then and kept in my tiny library thinking that I will read later. Now after 4-5 months, I had nothing to read and was thinking what to read next. So I finally start reading this book. And since I have been learning Spanish for the past few months,what happens is that the book is based in Mexico and has some Spanish words and phrases, which I can now make out what they mean! I had no idea that this would have some Spanish references and if I had read this book earlier I would have some problem in appreciating the wonderful language that Mr. Rushdie uses. What a co-incidence! It could have been any other language and I could have read it before but as they say right place at the right moment!
I love Grey's Anatomy and in one episode, Dr. Miranda Bailey talks about seeing the bigger picture. She says she is missing something and wants to see the whole picture. She finally understands whta she is mssing when she comes out of the surgery thatshe is performing and then sees through the window what she missed.And at that very night, in the book that I have been reading, I read this terrific line, " The only people who can see the complete picture are those who are out of the picture" . Almost the real life imitation of the line!!!!
Recently, I was planning to go to my school for some work after almost 4 1/2 years. And on the day I was thinking, I see my Physics ma'am Mrs. Nopani pass by in front of my eyes near my house! while I was going to some shop to get something!! I mean, never did I see her before for the last 5 years and the day I was thinking about school, I see her! and when I had gone to watch Wake Up Sid! I see another teacher of mine. Mrs. Kanda!!
I mean these are tiny incidents ( not even incidents to be true) but isn't it strange that when you least expect something to happen, it happens before you can even expect! Although, this is not mysterious like the story 'Face on the Wall' which we read in Class 12 but still these co-incidents always continue to surprise me :-)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Closed Book...
Don't know what is happening. My mood is so off. There are some things that hit you the most where it hurts a lot. And it even hurts more when you have only yourself to blame. I have been running away from something, instead of facing it, solving it. Ever since I was young, I had a dream that I wanted to be like this, like that..wanted to have something special. For the past few days, I have realised that it is not going the way I planned. I thought slowly things turn out to be fine but it is not. I think I will remain a wannabe of what I want. Life has given me so many things which for others might be nothing but for me those small things really matter. But there is one thing which I desperately need. I need that self confidence. I am very self deprecating and I don't want to be like that. Modesty is one thing but I think but this is not modesty. I am very self conscious to the extent that while writing this post I do not like to use 'I' as it makes me uncomfortable. Yes, I know that it very easy for others to say that it comes easily but I have reached such an age where it is hard to change myself. It is extremely hard to bring the changes in you. I have tried so many times in the past but it has always backfired leaving me even more frustrated. I still curse that day in Class 8 which I think sowed the seeds of this problem. I sometimes blame God why did he make me like this but to blame him/her (whoever God is), is the easiest way to run away from your faults. I don't know what life has in store but I don't want to be an escapist. I don't know that what I am writing makes sense or not but I don't care because it is coming from what I have been thinking for the past few days. It scares me, I can't sleep at night thinking what if ? There are so many more situations which are definitely going to arise and I haven't even given a thought to them. Don't know what life has in store but I don't want to be known as a loser :( scared, lonely, a closed book. I can't say anything to anyone becuase no one will understand. I am pretty sure of that :( :(
Monday, September 28, 2009
Anti - Climax...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cinema, Lies, Illusion..
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Mind is Restless...
- He realised obscurely that the sense of loneliness was too precious to be shared and finally incommunicable that men were ultimately islands, each had his own universe, immense only to himself, far beyond the grasp of the interest of others.
- The ecstasy of arrival never compensates for the emptiness of the departure.
- Perhaps he was merely longing for the past in an uncongenial present, forgetting its petty unhappiness, bewitched by it only because he was not its master.
- Remember, you're not James only live once. (Brilliant line, referring to Bond's You Only Live twice)
- Today I have got myself out of all my perplexities, or rather I have got the perplexities out of myself, for they were not without but within, they lay in my own outlook.
- Movement without purpose, an endless ebb and flow, from one world to another, journeys and passages undertaken by cocoons for not for rest or solace but for ephemerals.
- He had first to banish all yearning and learn to accept the drift, perhaps it was true all was clouded by desire, a fire by smoke,or as a mirror by dust.
Cowmputer :-D

Amit Varma, India's best known blogger, India Uncut fame, has now started tweeting here. This was one of his tweet on the Austerity Drive and the Twittergate controversy of Mr. Tharoor's cattle class remarks. Some of his other tweets read as:
What's the difference between Twitter and the Lok Sabha? Twitter allows 140 characters -- the LS allows 552.
In the land of the Cowma Sutra, how can anyone be lonely? ( Referring to the Newshour debate on Times Now where a Congress spokesperson said, those who tweet are lonely!!!!!)
I'm not lonely - I just like hanging out with cows and cattle!
There's a T-shirt slogan right there: I'm not lonely, I'm just on an austerity drive.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Of Old History Books and Grey's Anatomy...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Practical Example...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hawai Qila...
- The Khajuraho temples built by the Chandelas in the earlier centuries. I mean it is a shame that a country like ours that gave the world Kamasutra and such exquisite sculptures, sex is still taboo..anyway I so want to see the Khajuraho temples.
- The Taj Mahal. Shame on me that I am an Indian and still haven't seen the magnificent wonder!
- The Eiffel tower. And to also eat at the restaurant at top of the Eiffel tower...
- The Mona Lisa at the Louvre. The enigmatic smile of the woman is bewildering...
- The cities of Milan, Venice, Rome, Paris...Renaissance has a magical charm...
- Watching a Wimbledon final live at the All England Tennis Championships..
- The Pyramids of Egypt by the Nile..the song Suraj Hua Madham is beautifully shot there..
- The Sydney Opera House..
Hmmmm so likh liya start dreaming.. itne paise to hai nahi mere paas, sapno me hi dekh sakhta hun sob sob :
Monday, August 31, 2009
A thing of beauty is a joy forever...

Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Curious Cases of Liking Films...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sentimental Education...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I love Piggy Chops...

There is this competition on twitter that allows you to pose with her this is what I submitted to the gallery :)
I know I look horriblw with her :(
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Manhoof Kaminey...

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Yeh jo des hai tera

Friday, August 14, 2009
Yeh Delhi hai mere yaar...
Paranthe Vali gali.. we had all types of Paratha..nimbu, tamatar, aloo, paneer, badaam and rabri paratha too!!
Roaming in the streets of Old Delhi has its own charm.. the chaos of the traffic, the overhead wires, the people sitting on the sideway taking a rupee to check your wieght, those machines where you insert a coin and a card comes out showing your weight along with an actor whose matches with you,the drops of water falling on your head from the AC in the cramped buliding, the funny shop salesman calling everyone, the cattle enjoying a good time... Delhi-6 is Delhi-6!!
We wanted to get a photograph with a cow, so 3 of us went and stood next to a white cow who we wished would oblige us but it seemed she wasn't in a good mood..while we were standing, she brought her poonch from behind like some wire and tried to whip was sooooo funny and everyone there started laughing but it was fun..I am putting some pictures here :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Reincarnation is as necessary for the living as for the dead...

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Should I go or not???

Monday, August 3, 2009
Rakhi ka Drama bahut Sayana..

The final episode of the show 'Rakhi Ka Swayamwar', which saw the item girl announcing Toronto-based businessman Elesh Parujanwala as her ideal groom, registered a TRP of 6.3 Sunday night. According to overnight audience measurement agency aMap, it has been the highest TRPs so far for the channel. -Yahoo
It was a record show.. the whole India watched the show..the show worked was a big time drama..people did not watch it because they are Rakhi's fans (as she says so) but because of the curiosity factor and as some people are calling it India is living vicariously through its reality shows.. God forbid! I just read that Rahul Mahajan is consdering his Swayamvar next..Only Rakhi could have pulled it with elan but Rahul Mahajan?? that joker who laughs in the most bizarre ways..Rakhi got what she wanted..popularity..drama! Imagine got what they wanted TRPs..made crores! Hindi Channels got what they wanted...Breaking News.. and people got what they wanted ..entertainment :D
I have started to hate MTV..the very name Music Television and I wonder where is the Music.. MTV has become so negative it is a torture to watch it but I won't ask to ban the channel..I have my remote so I use it.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The B word..Balochistan..Blunder..Boomerang..

Friday, July 24, 2009
Ek Zardari ko Dekha to Aisa Laga...

Ab CORRUPTION Ki Baari Hai, Kyun Ki Ab Daur-e-Zaradari Hai
Ab Aap Ki Izat, Apni Zimmadari Hai, Kyun ki Izzat Ka Shikari Asif Zardari Hai
Ab Tabahi Qismat Humari Hai, Kyun Ki Ab Daur-e-Zardari Hai . .
dur tha par pass nikla, mein iss bat ko kya kahun,
Ye Zardari to Musharraf ka bi baap nikla.
Jese khana kharab, Jese total azaab, Jesey Aadi faqeer, Jesay murda zameer, Jese Naasoor ho koii sartaa howaa, Ek zardari ko dekha to aisa laga, Jese bijli ka taar, Jese khanjar ki dhaar,Jesey dozakh ki aag, Jesey zehrila naag, Jese garmi ki dhoop..
Zardari aur zarde me kya faraq hai ?
zarda wo hai jo khushi mei khaya jaata hai
zardari wi hai jo khushio ko kha jaata hai..
Zardari: Don’t you know who I am? I am Asif Ali Zardari!
Robber: Okay. Give me all my money!
Finally a Graduate...
Sankat City : No Sankat at all :)

Sankat City!! What a terrific movie!!
I had been wanting to go and watch this move ever since it released but the timings of the shows were too late.. at 11.20 pm in the night or somewhere around midnight..but today being Friday and I love Fridays because a) Weekend b) New movies, so time to read all reviews by Mayank Shekhar, Anupama Chopra, Rajeev Masand, Taran Adrash, Rediff, TOI, DNA and Passion for Cinema !!
So without digressing further, Sankat City PVR Saket 12.55 pm!! Whoa!!
Pankaj Advani's Sankat City is one hell of a movie..I don't remember the last time I laughed so much while watching a movie.. No, don't think Kambhakt Ishq..My views about Akhshay Kumar films are there in previuos posts..
So, what is the movie about? It is about a conman Guru who steals cars and re-sells them for money.One day, he steals the car of the don Faujdaar which had 1 crore rupees. Faujdaar finds about it and wants his money back from Guru but by some turn of events the crore rupees are lost! Now, Guru must payback 1 crore or he will die!!
It is a laugh riot..what truly remarkable is the characters..each character is etched out so brilliantly that it makes the movie a treat to watch..Faujdaar, Guru, Ganpat, Gogi, Mona, Philip Phattoo, Pachrasya, Gulbadan, Maharaj ji...all of the characters have a particualar quirk associated with them..the way they speak,the way they carry themselves..beautiful!! The movie has its flaws like dialogues were not really great and some scenes could have been even better!
It really is a proud thing for us that we have started to make such kind of movies but the audiences for these movies is still too less..there were hardly 8-9 people in the hall, though its the 3 week of the movie but The Hangover which was released 5-6 wweeks still goes housefull!! This year a lot of non stereotypical movies have released..Luck by Chance, DevD, Gulaal, Little Zizou, Barah Aana, Sankat City, Firaaq.. Apart from DevD which has become a cult film, none of the films have got great box office collections though getting critical acclaim..we need to watch these movies as well and discuss them people will watch a terrible movie like CC2C..we should watch these movies..liking or not likng them is an individual's choice but what is required is to discuss these movies as well, at least in the urban sectors and remove the boundaries like we have a parallel cinmea and mainstream cinema..
Go watch Sankat City now!!
My Rating ****
Monday, July 20, 2009